Jan 22, 2025  
Catalog/Handbook 2020-21 
Catalog/Handbook 2020-21 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic, Administrative, and Other Personnel


District Board of Trustees

 Martinez, Teresa V., Chair

Ross, Cynthia Hartley, Vice Chair
Barnett, Ashley Bell
Dorrell, Daniel F.
Littleton, Greg
Turner, Mark G.


Falconetti, Angela, Ed.D. President
Baker, Valparisa J., M.Ed. Director of the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (Title IX Coordinator)
Barnes, Corey J., Ed.D. Principal of Lakeland Gateway to College Collegiate High School - Lakeland
Bell, Yulonda, M.A. Associate Dean of Student Services - Winter Haven
Bonney, Keith, Ph.D. Principal of the Chain of Lakes Collegiate High School - Winter Haven
Butler, Anna, Ph.D. Associate Dean of Academic Affairs - Lakeland
Clark, Mary, Ed.D. Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness, Accreditation, and Research
Desbrow, Susan Director of Student Enrollment Services/Registrar
Drake, Howard W., M.B.A. Director of the Polk State Corporate College
Elliott, Peter S., M.A., C.P.A. Vice President of Administration/Chief Financial Officer
Glenn, John, Ph.D. Dean of Academic Affairs - Lakeland
Hall, Jill, M.PER. Director of Human Resources
Howell, Ronshetta L., B.A. Director of Student Financial Services
Hutcherson, Annette, Ed.D., M.N., R.N. Director of Nursing
Jeffries, Richard S., M.Ed. Principal of the Collegiate High School - Lakeland
Little, Sylvester, M.S. Dean of Student Services - Lakeland
Northern, Orathai, Ph.D. Vice Presidentof Workforce Education and Economic Development
Oguntola, Andy T., Ed.D. Director of the JDA Center
Painter, Donald K., Ph.D. Dean of Academic Success
Pakowski, Lawrence, Ph.D. Dean of Student Services - Winter Haven
Porter, Tracy M., M.A. Vice President of Institutional Advancement/Executive Director, Polk State College Foundation
Robinson, April, M.P.A. Dean of Academic Affairs - Winter Haven
Sakagawa, Tamara, M.C.P. Associate Vice President of Communications and Public Affairs
Sams, Michelle, M.Ed. Associate Dean of Student Services - Lakeland
Stack, Robert, M.B.A. Chief Information Officer
Thomas, Kim G., Ph.D. Associate Dean of Academic Affairs - Winter Haven
Thomas, Lee, Ph.D. Vice President of Academic Affairs
Webb, Reggie, M.B.A. Vice President of Student Services
Urbano, George R., B.S. Director of Facilities
Vorous, Teresa B., B.S. Controller

Instructional Faculty

Abercrombie, Laura A., M.A. Chain of Lakes Collegiate High School
Adcock, Charles, M.S. Mathematics
Aleman, Rogelio, M.S. Mathematics
Alexander, David, Ph.D. Humanities
Altman, Eric T., M.B.A. Business
Anderson, Dale J., Ph.D. Healthcare Administration
Anderson, John, L. M.Ed.S Music
Atkins, Urshela, M.A. English
Baker, John P., Ph.D. English
Banerjee, Koushik, Ph.D. Chemistry
Barbaret, John R., B.A. Humanities
Bentley, Milcah, B.A. Chain of Lakes Collegiate High School
Bird, Tanya, D.H.Ed. Respiratory Care
Bradshaw, Timothy, Ph.D. Biological Sciences
Branham, Chasity, J.D. Criminal Justice
Brown, Robert Earl, D. Min. English
Bullard, Annette, B.A. Occupational Therapy Assistant
Buchanan, Joanne, A.S., R.D.M.S Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Cabra, Henry, Ph.D. Engineering Technology
Caldecutt, C. Lee, M.A. Biological Sciences
Caldecutt, William, Ph.D. Biological Sciences
Cavanah, Megan, Ph.D. Mathematics
Ceto, Paul, M.S.N., R.N Nursing
Chaffin, Maggie, M.S.N., R.N. Nursing
Chicas, Thelma G., M.Ed Spanish
Childree, Heather, M.Ed., MA English
Childree, Lee, M.Ed. Lakeland Collegiate High School
Choquette, Angela, M.H.A., M.S.N., R.N. Nursing
Clayton, Tiffany Lakeland Gateway to College Collegiate High School
Collette, Barbara, M.S.N., R.N., Pharm.D. Nursing
Connors, Joan, M.S.N., R.N., Ed.D. Nursing
Coombs, Andrew, M.F.A. Art
Cook, Joseph J., M.A., M.L.A. Sociology
Cornett, Anthony, M.S. Biological Sciences
Cosculluela, Victor E., Ph.D. Humanities
Costakis, Darlene, M.A.T English
Cronan, Tammy, Ph.D. Biological Sciences
Crump, Eric, B.S Aerospace
Davidson, Tristan, Ph.D. Accounting
Decker, Richard J., M.A. Mathematics
Delgiudice, Danielle, M.S.N., R.N. Nursing
Derry, Michael, M.A. Economics
Dimitriadis, Alexandros, M.S. Mathematics
Drake, Barbara D., Ph.D. Psychology
Drier, Stephen, M.S. Mathematics
Dubendorf, Bruce, Ph.D. Physical Sciences
Duce, Erin E., M.A. History
Dunn, Frank, A.S. Public Safety Clinical Education
Dyer, Dawn, Ph.D. Lakeland Collegiate High School
Eaton, Amy, M.S.N., R.N. Nursing
Ellis, Rafaela, M.A. English
Etherton, Merrybeth, BAS Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Fairbairn, Lorne, M.A. Mathematics
Felder, Nerissa N., M.S. Mathematics
Feleccia, Tina M., M.Ed. Computer Science
Ferrier, Kevin, R.T.(R)(CV), BAS Cardiovascular Technology
Fischle, Alric H., M.A. Chain of Lakes Collegiate High School
Fitzgerald, Sally, Ph.D. English
Ford, Natalie R., M.S.N., R.N. Nursing
Frank, Catherine A., M.A. Mathematics
Freitag, Cynthia, Ph.D. Biological Sciences
Frye, Stephen, M.A. Mathematics
Gaddy, Norma, M.S.N., R.N. Nursing
Gardell, Cary T., M.A. Humanities
Gaudiello, Arielle, Ph.D. Mathematics
Gesmundo, Christina, M.A. English
Gideon, Ami M., M.S. Lakeland Gateway to College Collegiate High School
Good, Palmira A., M.S.N., Ed.D., R.N., C.N.E Nursing
Grant, Bettye, M.S.N., Ed.D., R.N. Nursing
Guillette, Donald F., A.S. Emergency Medical Services
Gundling-Tucker, Cindy, M.A. Psychology
Haischer, Jamie W., M.B.A., C.F.A. Economics
Halverson, Suzanne, Ph.D. Chain of Lakes Collegiate High School
Hardesty, Bonny, M.S. Mathematics
Harris, Gregory E., M.A. Psychology
Harrison, Michael M., Ph.D. Biological Sciences
Harto, Louanne, M.S.N., Ed.D., R.N., C.N.E. Nursing
Hartfield, Mark, M.F.A. Humanities
Hazel, Clarence Dann, Ph.D. Psychology
Hazelwood, Debra, M.A. Early Childhood Education
Heintz, Rebecca Munshaw, M.A. English
Hiatt, Susan H., M.Ed. Mathematics
Hill, David, M.S. Biological Sciences
Howe, Paul W., Ph.D. Business Administration
Huff, John, B.S. Network Engineering Technology
Hurst, Ward H., M.A. Lakeland Collegiate High School
Ivey, Ernie Bernard, M.S. Computer Information Systems
Jean, Patrick, B.S. Lakeland Gateway to College Collegiate High School
Jennings, Mackenzie, M.A. English
Johnson, Gregory, Ph.D. Digital Media
Jones, Amanda, M.S. Chemistry
Jones, Jess E., Ph.D. Chemistry
Jones, Lorrie, D.N.P., A.R.N.P.-C., C.N.E. Nursing
Jones, Pam, M.A., T.E.S.O.L. College Success
Joyce, Richard L., M.Ed. Digital Media
Junkins, Charles, M.A. English
Kent-Smith, Shana, MHA-MEd., RRT Respiratory Therapy
Lee, Joyce, M.S. Mathematics
Leedy, Richard Allen, M.S. Mathematics
Lehoczky, Maria, M.B.A. Business
Libert, Keith R., B.A. Network Systems Engineering Technology
Linder, Patricia, Ph.D. Early Childhood and Elementary Education
Linsdey, Kaylie, M.S.N., R.N. Nursing
Luckett, Mary, B.S., R.T.(R) Radiography
Luckett, William, A.S., R.T. (R) Cardiovascular Technology
Maakuu, Bulmuo, Ph.D. Physical Sciences
Mallory, Jason, Ph.D. Humanities
Malone, Michael, M.A. Mathematics
Mangus, Thomas C., Ph.D. Computer Information Systems
Manzi, Michelle, M.A. Music
Martin, Jason, M.A. Lakeland Collegiate High School
Martinson, Carol, M.Ed. English
Massey, Brad T., Ph.D. History
McCaulley, Lynsay M. M.F.A Chain of Lakes Collegiate High School
McDonnell-Bennett, Jean, M.S.N., R.N. Nursing
McGriff, C. Von, M.A. College Success
McIntosh, Amy, M.Ed. Lakeland Gateway to College Collegiate High School
McLain, Paul M., M.S. Physical Sciences
McMachen, Sally A., M.S.N., R.N. Nursing
Menchan, Derek, M.M. Humanities
Mershon, Mark, M.S. Computer Information Systems
Messerschmidt, Tiffany L., M.A. English
Moerschbacher, Susan, Ed.D. Psychology
Moore, LaTrice, D.B.A. Business
Moran, Kathleen A., M.S. Physical Sciences
Morgan, Aaron, M.A. Humanities
Morris, Faten Guirguis, M.A., Ph.D. English
Morris, Penny A., M.S. Mathematics
Moser, Sharon, Ph.D. Elementary Education
Murdoch, Mary Ann, M.L.S Humanities
Murphy, Eileen, M.A., J.D. English
Myers, Ana Maria, M.A. Humanities
Nicklaus, Kathleen A., Ph.D. English
Nold, Herbert A., D.M Business
Oberg, Raymond, Ph.D. Criminal Justice
Orr, Carolyn, M.A Mathematics
Palmer, Jerri, M.S.N., R.N. Nursing
Perkins, Scott, M.A.T. Mathematics
Perry, Mary Beth, M.S.N., R.N. Nursing
Phillips, Gwyn, M.S.N., R.N. Nursing
Pierre, Kenrick, Ph.D. Economics
Pila, Benjamin, Ph.D. Humanities
Pringle-Brown, Niqui, M.A. College Success
Pugh, Rebecca, M.Ed. Education
Ramos, Rebecka, Ph.D. English
Randolph, Logan, Ph.D. Biological Sciences
Richeson, Greg, M.A. Accounting
Rivers, Bryan, M.A. English
Rizzo, Anthony, M.D. Biological Sciences
Rosa, Lisa, M.A. English
Russum, Lance, Ph.D. Humanities
Ryals, Shannon E., A.S. Physical Therapist Assistant
Ryan, Amanda G., B.S. Lakeland Gateway to College Collegiate High School
Ryan, Jude, M.A. English
Sabin, Kari, M.S. Health and Wellness
Schaak, Lynda, M.S.N., R.N., C.N.E. Nursing
Scofield, Cynthia A., M.S. Mathematics
Scoggins, Holly, M.F.A. Art
Selph, Jaime, B.S., R.T. (R) Radiography
Shaw, Jennifer O., M.S. Biological Sciences
Siegel, Sonja, M.S.N., R.N. Nursing
Siler, Sheryl A., M.A. English
Sipes, Deborah L., Ph.D. Biological Sciences
Smith, Katrina, Ph.D. Psychology
Smith, Laurel S., M.S. Health and Wellness
Smith, Maya M., M.A. Lakeland Gateway to College Collegiate High School
Sparling, Misty A., B.S. Chain of Lakes Collegiate High School
Stadelbacher, Lisa A., M.S.N., R.N. Nursing
Strengel-Martinez, Margaret, Ph.D. Physical Sciences
Stewart, Johnny, B.S. Network Systems Engineering Technology
Stinson, Carol, M.S.N., R.N. Nursing
Stowers, Mary M., Ph.D. Early Childhood Education
Sullivan, Patricia A., B.A. Chain of Lakes Collegiate High School
Taylor, Dawn C., M.A. English
Toole, Gregory, Ph.D. Mathematics
Valk, Jacobus H., M.S. Physical Sciences
West, Donald, M.S. Music
Whitcomb, Natalie J., M.S., Ed.D. Physical Sciences
Whitehead, Leah, B.S. Lakeland Collegiate High School
Wilson, Lynn, M.B.A., C.P.A. Business Administration
Wiseman, Chasya, M.S.N., R.N. Nursing
Woods, David K., M.A. Art
Woolery, Beverly, M.S. Early Childhood Education
Woodward, David S., C.P.P Corporate College
Woodward, John, M.A. Business Administration
Young, Lawrence R., M.S. Biological Sciences
Zamani Forooshani, Mostafa, Ph.D. Mathematics
Zekeri, Austin M., D.B.A. Accounting
Zhou, Li, M.A. Mathematics


Other Staff

Contact Directories are available on the College’s website and individuals are listed by both name and department. A student may also contact 863.297.1000 for an Information Assistant to answer questions. Additionally, the Information Assistant can provide information regarding navigation in PASSPORT and the website.