Jan 25, 2025  
Catalog/Handbook 2020-21 
Catalog/Handbook 2020-21 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Corporate College

About the Corporate College 

The Corporate College brings together an extensive curriculum of technological, business, and professional development courses that are divided into areas of specialization called institutes. Each institute incorporates the latest developments in technologies and applications that have major commercial impact. The Corporate College institutes are committed to making every training opportunity available to the workforce community, and to providing the most economical, efficient, and effective solutions for meeting today’s demanding training needs. The Corporate College can conduct classes at a company site, a Polk State College campus, or any convenient location. Classes are scheduled on days and times that are flexible for student convenience. Online training opportunities from national providers are also available. More information about training options is located on the Corporate College webpage, which is available through the Polk State College homepage. The Corporate College’s innovative training and coursework options have received ISO 9001 Certification, a 2019 Bellweather Award, and the 2017 National Council for Continuing Education Training (NCCET) Exemplary Program Award.

Corporate College Institutes

Advanced Manufacturing Institute

The Advanced Manufacturing Institute provides manufacturers with access to state-of-the-art equipment and affordable workforce training solutions for the development of specialized skills in manufacturing. The purpose is to continually incorporate the latest innovations in technologies and applications and to train individuals to those standards, helping Polk and neighboring counties build their industries to achieve global competitiveness.

The Corporate College implements ambitious training programs designed to provide a well-trained, highly skilled workforce to area companies. In designing these programs, the Corporate College collaborates with local manufacturers, leading training providers, and innovative equipment manufacturers to develop and deliver the programs desired. These partnerships use industry-tested professionals as instructors to assist the Corporate College in delivering new and emerging technologies to the local workforce.

IT/Computer Institute

The IT/Computer Institute offers a broad array of computer application training courses. Classes are scheduled throughout the year and are held both in the College’s state-of-the-art computer labs and remotely. All classes can be customized to fit specific training needs and delivery modes. Whether a business is interested in certification programs or new software applications, IT/Computer Institute professionals can assess these needs and develop a program that uniquely serves and benefits the company. In addition, classes can be customized and conducted on an employer’s worksite or in hybrid/online environment when flexibility is required.

Professional Development Institute

The Professional Development Institute offers courses that allow professionals to increase their skillsets and proficiencies for the competitive and global business environment. An individual can choose from various programs and fields. Specifically, the Professional Development Institute offers classes in:

  • Management Trainee/Leadership
  • Human Resources
  • Project Management
  • Business Communications
  • Training for Trainers
  • Business Assessment Services Using SmartPlan 360
  • Sales and Negotiations
  • Lean Processes
  • Leadership Development in Public Service

Among its many benefits, the Professional Development Institute offers local courses; flexible class times; online, hybrid, and face-to-face formats; low-cost tuition; experienced instructors; and relevant training options. The Professional Development Institute collaborates with top industry professionals who are recognized leaders within their industries, renowned keynote speakers, and notable authors. The Corporate College is committed to providing customized programs and courses that are based on the specific needs of individual organizations and evolving leaders.

Child Care Training Institute

The Polk State College Child Care Training Institute provides introductory childcare training required by the Florida Department of Children and Families for employment in the childcare profession. Polk State College provides Florida’s state-mandated training and certification exams for childcare professionals in Polk, Hardee, and Highland Counties. These mandated courses provide the training necessary for individuals to either work in or own a childcare center. The classes address both basic and specialized training, and they focus on high-quality care, as well as the health and safety of children.

College Alliance for Advanced Manufacturing - CAAM

The mission of the College Alliance for Advanced Manufacturing (CAAM) is to champion innovative training programs that support a stronger economy and keep the manufacturing workforce current and viable in a demanding era of globalization and change. The Alliance provides curriculum, training, and certification resources to foster the development and sustainability of Florida manufacturing. To achieve these goals, the CAAM works with stakeholders from academia, industry, and government.

The CAAM organizes and provides a wide array of proven resources and access to high-quality, reliable training through some of Florida’s most recognized, experienced training organizations in the private sector. The Alliance provides on-site training and accessible testing sites that can grant in-demand certifications for employees working in the field. Current CAAM partners include St. Petersburg College, Hillsborough Community College, State College of Florida Manatee-Sarasota, Pasco-Hernando State College, Lake-Sumter State College, Daytona State College, and Palm Beach State College.

Contractor Safety Training Institute

The Contractor Safety Training Institute offers the Contractor Health and Safety Training Program for all contractors working in the Central Florida Phosphate Industry. This program includes the Florida Phosphate Producers Basic 16-Hour Program (OSHA), the Mine Safety and Health Administration’s 24-Hour New Miner Training Course (MSHA), and the Annual Refresher Course. In addition, the Contractor Safety Institute offers the Mosaic Site-Specific Training Program for Mosaic’s Florida and Louisiana facilities, as well as a wide range of the PowerSafe Generation classes at the Polk State Corporate College state-of-the-art Computer Training Lab.

Insurance Institute

The Polk State Corporate College Insurance Institute provides a complete online program of pre-licensure courses approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services (FLDFS); the program fulfils the education requirements for licensure. The courses available include the 2-15 Health and Life (including Annuities and Variable Contracts) Course, the 2-20 General Lines Course, the 20-44 Personal Lines Agent Course, and the 440-220 Conversion Course for Experienced Licensees. Additionally, the Insurance Institute offers two Florida Designation courses, the 6-20/ACA: Accredited Claims Adjuster Course and the 4-40 RCSR: Registered Customer Service Representative Course. Successfully passing either of the Florida designation courses enables the individual to waive the State exam. These courses are designed to assist an individual who is interested in entering the insurance profession.

Real Estate Institute

The Real Estate Institute provides an overview of real estate principles, practices, and law, as well as issues related to investment, enabling an individual to explore possible careers in the real estate field. The Corporate College has partnered with the online trainer REcampus to offer online options in real estate training.

Supply Chain Management Institute

The logistics and supply chain field includes a variety of operations across business distribution and management including forklift operators, warehouse managers, operation analysts, purchasing specialists, and all of the individuals necessary to maintain effective and efficient flow of materials and products. Polk State’s Supply Chain and Logistics Institute specializes in training that positively impacts a company’s bottom line and allows for expansion opportunities.

The Supply Chain and Logistics Institute (SCLI) offers courses in Transportation and Logistics, Warehousing and Distribution, and Industrial Ammonia Refrigeration, and it is a Refrigerating Engineers and Technicians Association (RETA) training center. These components of supply chain management comprise a significant percentage of Polk County’s economy. An individual who completes courses through the Supply Chain and Logistics Institute can ultimately gain training, specialist certification, expert-in-field certification, articulation to college credit, and a Polk State Associate in Science (AS) degree in Supply Chain Management. These options benefit students, businesses, and the local economy.

Construction Program

The Corporate College’s construction programs are designed to provide an individual with the information and skills needed for a career in construction. The various courses offered provide training across many different disciplines ranging from carpentry to construction management. Most classes are taught using a combination of classroom and lab activities, providing the individual with a variety of information and abilities for a successful career. Through the Corporate College, an individual can earn nationally recognized certifications to prepare for this fast-growing career field.

Manual Machining Certification Program

This certification program validates that an individual has the skills and abilities necessary to successfully complete process planning, basic manual milling and  machining applications, and machine set-ups; manage operations; inspect equipment; and follow safety standards. The course is aligned to the curriculum required for four National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) certificates. Course competencies include: Industrial Safety, Blueprint Interpretation, Cutting Tool Assembly, Cutting Tool Selection, Geometrical Dimensioning and Tolerances, Precision Measurements, Introduction to Metrology, Material Identification and Tool Selection, Tolerance Inspection, Machine Maintenance, Machining Applications, and Material Preparations.

CNC Operator Certification Program

This certification program provides an individual with the skills and abilities to obtain an entry-level position in a Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machining environment. This course is aligned with the curriculum required for four National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) credentials. Upon completion of the program, the student receives a Certified CNC Operator designation.

CNC Programming Certification Program

This certification program validates that an individual has the skills and abilities to successfully setup and operate a CNC milling and turning center, program machining code, maintain quality and safety standards, keep accountability records, and maintain equipment and supplies as expected. This course is aligned with two additional NIMS credentials. Upon completion of the program, the student receives the Certified CNC Programmer designation. An individual wishing to enroll in this program must have already completed the CNC Operator Certification Program.

Industrial Maintenance Technician Program

The Industrial Maintenance Technician (IMT) Program is a 720-hour advanced offering that is delivered over a 30-week period. It can be provided as on-the-job training or as an internship activity. The program provides each participant with the opportunity to obtain skills in a variety of industrial areas, allowing for fluency, adaptability, and versatility in the field. The program includes skillsets necessary for work in a multitude of settings such as distribution warehouses, automobile assembly plants, food and beverage manufacturers, petroleum refineries, and power generation facilities. This program leads to numerous national certifications.