Mar 12, 2025
Catalog/Handbook 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
HSC 1531 - Medical Terminology 3 hours Lecture, 3 credits Lower-Division College Credit Prerequisite(s): Requires placement at the college level or satisfaction of developmental education requirements in reading and writing. AA Elective: Yes This course provides a survey of the use of medical and anatomical terminology including word roots, suffixes, prefixes, and combining forms, as well as the definitions of terms, symptoms and pathologies, diagnostic and treatment procedures, laboratory tests, and abbreviations used in healthcare settings and reflected in medical documentation. This course emphasizes the proper usage of terms, as well as an analysis of how terms are connected (e.g., how symptoms, diagnostic tools, treatments, laboratory tests, and abbreviations are connected to particular pathological conditions). This course is recommended for students interested in entering careers in healthcare.
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