Program: AAS-A5745
The Electrical Distribution Technology Program is for students seeking careers in the field of electric utility distribution. It prepares students for employment as utility electrical line workers, or for related work in private industry-owned and industry-operated electrical distribution systems. Workers in this industry are employed by public power, cooperative, or municipal utilities, or privately owned systems such as the mining industry or electrical distribution contractors.
The program is broad in scope, employing industry-recognized levels of training progression and performance objectives. This program requires students to be employed with an electrical utility company that has an articulation agreement with Polk State College. Students receive articulated credits for the Engineering Technology: Power (ETP) courses listed below during the semester in which they graduate.
Certain courses in this program require placement at the college level or satisfaction of Developmental Education requirements in reading and writing. Students must also meet Developmental Education requirements in mathematics in order to graduate.
Note: Credits articulated from the apprenticeship program cannot be applied to a baccalaureate degree at Polk State College. See an advisor for further information.