Articulated Credits from Approved Florida Bureau of Fire Standards and Training Certifications (36 Credits Required)
Students must earn 36 credits for the program core. A minimum of 24 of these credits must come from fire certifications. Credit from all Fire Fighting andProtection (FFP) courses must be validated by earning certification in that field.
Polk State College does not provide direct instruction for any FFP courses. These fire science courses can be taken from a variety of sources, including the Ridge Career Center in Winter Haven. Fire science classes are only articulated into FFP credits at Polk State by attaining Florida Bureau of Fire Standards and Training certifications as described below. Therefore, no individual courses are accepted by transcript or any other method. This articulation of credits is provided at no cost to the student.
Each student must select a program of study from the appropriate chart:
Chart A is for students who have earned the Fire Officer I Certification after November 18, 2013.
Chart B is for students who have earned the Fire Officer I Certification prior to November 18, 2013
CHART A Fire Officer I Certification earned after 11-18-2013
Options |
Title of Fire Study Option |
Certification Requirements
Fire Officer = FO
credits awarded = (credit hours)
Credits from Certifications
Range: 24-36
needed **
Option I |
Fire Supervisor/Fire Safety |
FOI (12), FOII(12), Inspector I*(6), and Investigator I* (6)
36 |
0 |
Option II |
Fire Supervisor/Manager |
FOI (12) and FOII(12)
24 |
12 |
Option III |
Fire Supervisor/Inspector |
FOI (12), FOII(12), and Inspector I*(6)
30 |
6 |
Option IV |
Fire Supervisor/Investigator |
FOI (12), FOII(12), and Investigator I (6)
30 |
6 |
Option V |
Fire Safety*** |
Inspector I (9), Inspector II*(6), and Investigator I (12)
27 |
9 |
* A reduced number of credits is awarded as there are duplicate FFP courses between Investigator I/Inspector I and Fire Officer I/II that can only be counted once.
** The students can earn the remaining credits of the 36 required by the program by selecting courses from the list of electives.
***This option is for students who do not hold the Firefighter I Certification. This option is intended for risk managers, safety personnel, fire marshal personnel, insurance investigators, and fire engineers.
CHART B Fire Officer I Certification earned prior to 11-18-2013
Title of Fire Study Option |
Certification Requirements
Fire Officer = FO
credits awarded = (credit hours)
Credits from Certifications
Range: 24-36
needed **
1 |
FOI (24), Inspector I*(6), and Investigator I* (6)
36 |
0 |
2 |
FOI (24)
24 |
12 |
3 |
FOI (24) and FOII*(new)(3)
27 |
9 |
4 |
FOI (24) and FOII (old)(12)
36 |
0 |
5 |
FOI (24) and Inspector I*(6)
36 |
0 |
6 |
FOI (24) and Investigator I (6)
30 |
6 |
* A reduced number of credits is awarded as there are duplicate FFP courses between Investigator I/Inspector I and Fire Officer I/II that can only be counted once.
** Students can earn the remaining credits of the 36 required by the program by selecting courses from the list of electives.