Feb 07, 2025
Catalog/Handbook 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Conduct, Discipline, and Due Process
Polk State College expects students to act in a responsible manner that supports and enhances the educational process. The College has a maintained a tradition of excellence in student conduct. The degree of responsibility students exhibit is a reflection of the academic and professional atmosphere of the College.
Although the vast majority of students are never affected by issues regarding discipline, when acts of unacceptable conduct occur, they are dealt with in a manner supporting Polk State College’s educational purpose.
District Board of Trustees Rule 4.01: Code of Conduct for Students and Student Organizations (and other related procedures) define unacceptable conduct, including sexual misconduct. These regulations also set forth the penalties and disciplinary procedures that apply when violations occur, and they describe the due-process requirements used. Information summarizing these regulations is available online. Polk State College Procedure 5028: Student Code of Conduct: Sanctions and Assignment of Penalties for Violations outlines actions the College may take if an individual violates the Polk State College Student Code of Conduct.
Interim Suspensions
The Associate Vice President of Student Services or the Vice President for Student Services (or a designee) may suspend a student for an interim period pending disciplinary proceedings, a medical evaluation, or psychological evaluation. Interim suspensions are indicated whenever there is a reason to believe that the continued presence of the student on the College campus poses a possible threat to the individual, or others, or to the stability and continuance of normal College functions.