Feb 17, 2025  
Catalog/Handbook 2013-14 
Catalog/Handbook 2013-14 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Auditing Courses

Both non-credit and regular college-credit courses are available for audit. College developmental courses are not available for audit. Courses in limited-admission programs may be audited only with the prior permission of the appropriate Dean and appropriate Program Director. A student may not audit a course in which the student received a grade of C or higher unless it is determined it is necessary for the student’s future academic success. To audit a course, a student must meet College admission requirements, be a matriculated student at Polk State College, and be able to demonstrate, if required, that he or she meets the placement standards for the course to be audited. Students must petition the Dean of Student Services to request to audit a course after the student has had a previous for-credit attempt with a grade of C or higher on the student transcript.

A credit student should identify the intention to audit a course at the time of registration. A student who has enrolled in a credit course as a credit-seeking student may convert that registration to “audit” status no later than the last day of the course’s designated Drop/Add period. A credit course may not be converted to “audit” status if the course is being paid for by a third party (such as through Financial Aid, scholarships, Workforce In Action funds, veteran’s benefits, Vocational Rehabilitation, etc.). A student who is auditing a course is responsible for paying course tuition and fees as assessed, according to his or her residency status, and the fee schedule made public by the College. Audited classes and classes for credit are assessed the same tuition and fees.

A student auditing a course is required to adhere to the attendance, testing, and any other course requirements as established by the professor in the specific course being audited. An audited course is posted on the student’s transcript. However, students auditing a course receive no credit for the course. An audit course is not counted or used when calculating GPA, academic standing, graduation requirements, veteran’s benefits, other financial aid eligibility, or for certifying enrollment for outside agencies. A course declared for audit cannot be converted to a course for credit at a later date; however, the course may be subsequently repeated for credit as long as the repeat does not violate Polk State College’s Forgiveness Policy or other College regulations.